Immigration Policy.

The senate has made news by laying out the groundwork for broad bi-partisan immigration reform. This is a really charged topic, and so I would like to make some comment on it. I think the first thing one must do is separate a couple issues tied into immigration policy, the first is whether or not we
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The Math of Higher Education.

Higher education has gone from being the holy grail of a prosperous economy to being a drain on our economy. Many young people graduate from college with such levels of debt that they are basing life decisions around this debt, the decision on whether or not to get married, on whether or not to have
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The Quiet Revolution.

Of the groups that voted strongly for Barak Obama in the past election, (women, minorities, young people), nearly half do not have a negative view of Socialism. This is an amazing statistic since we are talking about the United States, where Socialist is about as derogatory a thing as you can say. It is also
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Deficit Reduction Via Blackmail.

We are currently dealing with our latest manufactured crisis, the risk that we will have a government shut down if the debt ceiling isn’t raised. If you are a citizen of the United States you should be ashamed that this is the best that our political system can manage in terms of dealing with our
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Sister Justice.

Recently I was listening to a fine lecture by Margaret Atwood on debt. This lecture, or more precisely series of lectures, covers not just financial debt, but moral debts, debts to the planet, etc. During one of the lectures she in passing brings up the archetype of justice which has been used by us, if
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Gun Control.

The horrific shooting in Newtown Connecticut in which 20 small children and 6 adults were murdered, some shot up to 11 times, had a profound impact on the U.S. I personally cannot remember an event shaking the country so deeply, I think you may need to go back to the assassination of John F. Kennedy to
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The Deal.

So the Republican congress, shamed into action by not wanting to be responsible for triggering the “fiscal cliff”, passed the budget deal which was crafted in the senate. Since that was in doubt it is big news. The really big news, however, is that it even came to a vote. John Boehner, apparently wanting to
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